
HelloFresh: A new experience

pink background with blue plate featuring rice, green beens and pork chop

There are times when reading a cookbook is like having a new novel in hand; the excitement builds recipe-by-recipe as I imagine preparing each savory entrée and delectable dessert. But, lately, I admit to being in a mental food desert. My menu planning prior to grocery shopping has been boring and littered with old standbys which then translates into irritation brought on by missing ingredients all because I relied on memory when shopping.

Then a friend shared her positive experience with HelloFresh and we subscribed. Last night we tried our first meal kit – Miso Peach Pork Chops with Ginger-Lime Rice & Green Beans. The kit included all the ingredients, in pre-measured portions, even down to supplying just one garlic clove. Just as Goldilocks found the little bear’s chair and bed, everything was just right. Not only was there less food waste (I composted the chopped green bean tips and zested-squeezed lime rind), the packaging is also recyclable.

We did laugh when we realized another of our selected meals, Alfredo-Styled Spaghetti, included a zucchini when our refrigerator vegetable bin is full of this versatile vegetable. Oh well, those beauties can always be transformed into Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread.

Bon Appétit!

Photo credit: HomeFresh